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Increase people health by elevating ease and harmony in the body.


More than 20 years of experience in the treatment of physical pain

*Back pain: lumbago, sciatica, torticollis, and arthritis

*Articular pain and limitations: tendinitis, capsulitis, and bursitis.

*Digestive troubles: gastric reflux, constipation, diarrhea.

*Hormonal problems: migraines, chronic fatigue, weight fluctuations.

*Emotional instability: anxiety, sleep disturbance, over-reactivity




Holistic Treatment



Osteopathic manipulations help align with ease, bone structures, musculature and structural habits of the body. Physical and postural exercises are prescribed to engage the patient in new harmonic patterns and ensure permanence and stability in order to eliminate pain and recurrence of disequilibrium.



Emotional Release Techniques are used to locate and free emotional vortices that get locked into fascia, muscles, organs and joints. Emotions that are not processed adequately create resistance, friction and inhibit natural flow and health. It is important to understand intellectually the patterns of our emotions and also to feel their influences. As a result we become better equipped to let go, to prevent recurrent outburst and to respond with authenticity and responsibility.


A good knowledge of the challenges to be faced in our life is a needed step to create new patterns and to facilitate new orders. By integrating all facets of the situation the person becomes naturally inspired to see the path of least resistance. Understanding is always part of a holistic treatment, therefore, enough time is allowed for questions, answers, and explanations. I have realized that with knowledge a patient is empowered, engaged and responsible of his or her healing. Only then can health blossom.


The power of our thought, fueled by our emotions give us our passions, how we resonate and how our reality unfolds. Spirituality is about the spirit in you (your spin) and what you magnetize and experience in your life. This includes the ensemble of ideas, emotions (good or bad), reactions (old or new), that we vibrate in our heart in a perpetual motion. When one is inspired he/she is in-spirit and in the flow of creativity. These moments are graceful, loving and enhance healing on a quantic level…this state of bliss is innate to us; these vibrations are embraced when we sleep. There are methods like meditation, visualization, contemplation and felt affirmations that can be used to enhance the quality and the quantity of these resonances. To my point of view, it is important and easy to access and feel these states of consciousness. I therefore encourage and engage patients to cultivate their inner space and see by themselves the magic that unfolds in their reality.



    Personal & Professional Resume

Born in Quebec City, Nicole Marois played tennis and flew through her elementary and high school studies. At age 15 she earned a tennis scholarship at Rollins College, in Florida, where she graduated with a Bachelor degree in Business and Economics. Tennis propelled her to international levels and her participation at Wimbledon, the US open and top Canadian events and teams, enriched her understanding not only of athletic excellence but also of human behaviors, stress, and suffering.

Following her competitive edge and search for perfection after 2 years on the professional tennis circuit, and 10 years as a sales representative for sports companies, Nicole Marois moved to California marrying and embracing new horizons. She decided to reunite with her love of knowledge and human biology by graduating Summa Cum Laude as a Doctor of Chiropractic in Los Angeles (1996).

Complementing her proficiency as a radiologist, physiotherapist, nutritionist and multi techniques approach of Chiropractic, Nicole Marois took the opportunity of the melting pot of courses given in California to enhance her studies in Osteopathy and in Energy Work. She took courses in Osteopathy, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Neuro-Emotional-Technique, Reiki, Sacro-Occipital-Techniques and Network Spinal Analysis among others.


Her quest for understanding has also driven her to many topics of human behaviors through studies of pure physics, mind over body philosophies and meditative explorations. This conglomerate of knowledge has equipped her well to utilize a truly holistic approach to caring and treating people.

Back in Montreal, Canada, after 10 years in the United States, she decided to upgrade her diploma of Osteopathy via La Corporation des Practiciens en Medecines Douces du Québec (C.P.M.D.Q), which offered the program to qualified Chiropractors. Four years later (2004) and since, she practices under the Osteopathic umbrella, embracing ease as the fullest methodology to create health.

Her office on Nuns Island provides an openhearted space for healing.